Wednesday, 16 November 2016

I wish to be with you
Andrea, I want to be with you,
But you are avoiding mine
Is it all my thoughts?
I have done what thy have told me
To sit thy side  near window ,
I sat besides you
For a long long time.
But even then thou told me
Hath lost your interest
Of painting because of only mine.
Even now I'm near the window
Looking far away to have some relief.
By sitting in front of thou
Consider me only as a mere
Object of thy imagination.
You are the only one who,
Closed me in your four walls and your painting
Without giving me a chance
To know whom I was.
Now it's the time
It's the time before us to part.
Andrea,you believe me that I'm thy failure,
Your failure was with mine
So,its the better time for us to part
Forget the past,past is gone
And want to break the four walls,
As the alarm rings  he is waiting for me in the distant lands
I want to go now,
And want to break the four walls, which makes the whole world
And want to roam freely around and around.

                              MY LAST VERSE FOR YOU

 I may turn my face,
but not my heart
Let's together sit by the window,
to blew our memories.
I held your hand
for long as i could, but
I grew weak as you pulled and pulled.
My heart broke when you walked away.
No one could ever understand my Pain.
Right from our marriage,
I find myself lonely.
You rarely has any spare time,
and that too to spent with your goals.
I realized that you have got enough on your plate.
You stays up whole night with colours,
and i realized it is your strength
during very stressful time in life.
I'm tired of crying myself to
sleep alone in every night.
We had issues as every couples does,
but your appearence lacks, intimacy fades.
I've been longing to hold you.

I've been longing to touch you.

Who knows the vows of a beautiful woman?
Once I became a widow.
In the next stage another man entered to my life.
He married me for my beautiful stature.
He compares me with moon
and he took me as a model
for his art work...
But no one understood my soul.
Even though I smile before everyone,
I was shattering inside myself.
I have my own wishes and dreams.
Now I am tied together by the shackles  of chain.
But now I know a person who understands me.
He is everything for me.
You are my world and
I revolve around you.
Oh! my beloved ......
My heart throbbes to see you.
For me, you are the one
Who filled my life with vibrant colours...
Andrea... my husband!!!
He love me and does everything
for my happiness.....
He is the one who spoilt my life.
My parents pressurised me,
to marry Andrea......
a well known painter.
What Andrea wants is a beautiful model.
He loves my outer physique not my soul.
He distroyed my beautiful life.
But now I decided to cheat him with my beautiful  smile...
Thus, I will take revenge on him.
I decided to dedicate my life to my beloved
and live with him to the end of my life.....
          Let me leave.                                 
  Stop saying you love me
  To love me is to respect me
  I thought our love would last forever
That's where i was wrong
To me you truly belonged
Then you left me one day
  I still remember the day
  When you ruined my trust
  The day you left my hand and holded someone else's
You promised me to love me and be faithful
But you lied
My eyes have reopened
To never again let you gain my trust
I was all that you ever wanted me to be
But not anymore
After the repeat of hurt and trust being lost,
Do you deserve a love as pure as mine?
I will not mourn, i will not cry
All I can do is to leave you.

Let Me Live
The warmth of love is still in its youth.
Hold my hand tight, that
I could rest me in you.
Ah! To hear this heartbeat, I live.
You strived for being in my heart,
And after years, you live in  mine.
Mortal was the beauty that,
I and he loved.
Immortal was the love in you.
They loved your art and thus you,
But you starved for mine. Now,
 I could read you without a word.
I won’t let your hands go.
Let me live in the word or your heart.

Let me part
Let me part from you,
I can’t bond with you anymore
I’m not a mere object of yours,
artistic expression.
Andrea often compels me
to stay with him as
I’m the sole inspiration,
now I am no longer in your faultless painting.
Let me live in peace and honor
I ‘m in search of pure love,
that reflects in spiritual and celestial world,
thou love makes me pains and aches,
thou blame me, I am quarreled with you
for the last twelve years.
Now I am fed up with your love, I don’t
Want such a rubbish love.
I felt ashamed of me while
you are forcing me to sit beside the window
for sketching me in thou art,
Andrea, I’m not your serpentine and everybody’s
Moon, but I’m a mere woman who
have honor and respectful life.
Damn it, those who suppress woman.
Now my eyes are filled with tears,
it will shed now, the thirst for the
love of my cousin, who waited
for me till this midnight.
Now it’s time to part with Andrea,
It’s too much now, I gazed at the
starry skies, but they seems no shining
it fades away my hope.
I completely desolate in that night,
I alone in the balcony, my eyes still
wandering here and there, Andréa
calling me to stay with him.
No longer with Andrea, who still
stoling my heart, but it’s unworthy.
I completely refuse his love, I can’t
give my soul to Andrea.
That my soul already filled
in my cousin’s heart and blood.
And now I am waiting for cousin’s whistle,
Whose thoughts, affection and kisses are valuable.
Oh dear cousin… I’m coming now
Take me and hold me
I’ll be with you always
Let blossoms in heaven too.
                                                                                                                 SHAMNA M

         GOT MY SOUL
    I am not your model,
    I am not quarrelling.
    But you ratified as quarrelling voice
    Who told you?I quarrelled.
    It's my pain, I shows you.
    Don't you see my tears?
    My tears,see it,
    it flows like a river from mountain.
    Whenever I loved you,
    you say about your paintings,
    you fly away from me,
     when I have pain,
     pain in my heart,
    you want me to fit a premeditated smile.
    How can I smile?
   You see me,an object for your needs.
    Now,you tell me to sit near window,
    I did it for a long time,
    and still doing.
    You want me to fit a smile,
     I tried it,only for you,
     and for your love
     Andrea, you can see a pure soul?
     In me?
     No, you can't.
     You need my youth for your pleasure.
    Once, I was your eyes,
    you were blind that time.
    Time changes everything.
    Now, dare to say?
    I am your eyes...No,
    love for you means your paintings.
    You need me as your Madonna?
    Apologize,I cannot,I am real.
    You need me to see yourself,
     I tried, but I failed to see,
     your creations, your pleasure,
     yours,yours and yours.
     I was alone all these years.
     Life with you taught me Death.
     Death calls me more,
     but he may leads me to hell.
    Now ,you need me for a company,
    you says it's to heaven, but to hell.
    No more talking,
    Your voice, feels me wild.
    Stop it for your sake,
    No more time to waste.
    He is waiting for me,
    for filling my soul with love.
    Here, I am going...
1st MA English
                   The Art of Love
  Yes,I can bear you not for once,but forever.
  I can sit and turn my face as you wish
  But it never bring my heart.
  Let's sit near the window as married people
  Use,look a half hour;
   But I can't be your model,I can't smile;
   I have forgotten to smile.
   Its true, I can't get your art
   It is a mere thing,Art !
   I know, you can see what at bottom
   Of your heart, never of my heart.
    I know you are perfect with your art
    But failed with your love.
    The glorious time in France you had,
    It was me that spoiled your golden time.
    Or you may become a trio
   With the great Rafael and Angelo.
   I loved you,not your art
   I want your soul not your mind
   Which only thinks of the Colours.
   It is me Andrea; Lucrezia,your beloved
   Not a white canvas which can take
   All the colours as you wish .
   It is my heart, my broken heart,
   Not your pencil with which you
   Can do the magic of perfection.
   You loved me, not more than your art.
   You made a world  of colours;
   And it was of black.
   You know, sadness is an ugly disease
   To which I am fighting with.
    You know the art of colours.
    And you never tried to know the
    Art, the true art of Love.
    In the world of love,there are
    So much to see, but you were blind.
    I tried to cure the heavy sadness,
    And remained blank in all my ways.
   I must go, my love waits outside,
    My true love............



I won't  beg for your time and attention anymore,
The  more you given once; now i realised .
You loves me ,cares me and misses me a lot.
Is easy to remembering you with my tears.
If i hold you tightly within my heart;you will remain.
Is that love? That you made with me?
Now i too know how to love; because  of you.
My misdeeds had made me to losse you
I wish to love in the right way.
The past day was i deceived your eyes of love.
Now ,those pauses are for your art.
Faded figures ran here and there
Clings around me,empty walls filled with your art of divine.
And those spoke about the lonely love made by you.
From dream i dreamt once i slept
Try to wakeup, the love lost
Worst feeling; crying to sleep,wiped my tears.
My fingers are filled withyour immortal colours.
Hell tore my heart apart
It string like a broken glass .
My mind goes completely crazy
In to a state of delusion.
The moment i started missing you ,
I find my self in a terrible position.
Andrea i am alone,will you be my shadow?
Those special memories of you
Will always brings a smile.
If only i could have you back for just a little while.
Then we could  sit and make the colours.
You meant so very much forever
In my heart until we meet again. ....


Saturday, 24 September 2016

LIFE:Black Rose To Me

 LIFE:Black Rose To Me

"Love is like a red red rose"-lines by Robert Burns
               For me "Life is like a black black rose".From my birth itself,I felt like this.But I don't know why I feel so strange.Before coming to this world,everything was just imagination.Everything was dark to me.'She' introduced me to this so called wonderful land.That time too I didn't open my eyes.But I smelled something strange here.I felt I don't want to come here.When I began to open my eyes,some veils were there.It's related to dark colour. That veils were in the form of 'Human beings'.I saw  dark colour in their eyes.Slowly, that dark colour turned into the name 'Black'.I didn't see their faces because of their masks.Masked human beings looked me like an alien.One of them took me in an uncomfortable manner and hurt me.I cried aloud but they didn't mind my pain.I began to take my voice from my inner throat,but I couldn't. Someone was introducing me to someone that I am a 'Girl'. Everyone was whispering something about me.My tender ears took that whispers as a horn.I cried again because I wanted to go back to the place where I came from.That was more comfortable than any other place.That imaginary world which human beings called 'Womb'.I saw the queen of dark colour 'Black' everywhere in this earth from my birth to this time.I don't know how to express that black to you.By taking ourselves, so called 'Human beings',their mind is so strange to me(a human being).Their pattern of mind turns to black.Everywhere we can see black and to me that black is transforming to 'Black rose'that made World war 1st.Rose is beautiful like me but to black society,I am the black rose.Now a days that black is scattering all over the world as gender issues, terrorism,wars,corruption and so on.At last that blackish colour will spread into you and me...
                            IRON WOMAN

                            1st MA English


 In kerala the condition of educational system was very pathetic in now a days.
"VALUELESS EDUCATION" is the major problem affected in this field.Let have a look on it.The evaluation of SSLC class is the best example for this.Excess of mark given and passed the pupils with higher grade,through this record is made with highest winning percentage is to be achieved.this is the main of the educational department.but this will mislead and the students have an attitude of scoring higher grades without attending any question if it is put only the question also secured good marks&grade. such a condition is existed today.this condition must be changed and a valuable educational system and made a good generation of value education.




It was an early morning
I was waiting for my friends....
The boat was about to take
But I couldn't see anyone.
I was standing alone in the midst
of the wonderful nature that
refreshed my inner senses.
Sitting alone in the boat
tears rolled down from my eyes.

Days and months passed away....
But still I waited for my friends.
I thought they didn't like my company
And I felt really bad about myself.
The boatman....a good hearted person
I shared my woes with him
and thus we became good friends.
I felt very happy talking with him
and he could understand my feelings...
But my friends failed to understand me
And it is still a mystery for me.......

                         By,  ISHANAA
                          1ST MA ENGLISH

On Racism

Racism is a social issue for it as an act of violence .The term racial discrimination shall mean by distinctnion preference based on race ,color or exclusion.Racist attitudes like the notion of community or gender ,social and cultural etc.Aristole's virtue theory the problem of racisam will be assessed in term of understanding the manner in which one would have responded .Racism is related to dominance white power and social control.Race has created more amount of human and  social problems .Black people are still backword because they dont have any rights in european counrties  and   they were uncivilised .

Friday, 23 September 2016


In each stages of  life, we will be having many friends. It may change its number increasingly and never decreases. Each one will be influencing us in a way or the other. I too had many friends, who had not yet floated away in the stream of time. As the new academic year started, the class was filled with unfamiliar faces. It took time for us to mingle and to understand each other. Days passed, everyone identified their mates. Everyone was from various backgrounds and everyone was unique. Gradually, we started to share everything. It was not restricted to feelings, thoughts and views but to sharing of food. It made us to read the face of each others without any words and explanations

A Trip To Wagamon

A    Trip  To  Wagamon

  We  had a pleasure trip to wagamon from our college;which was really a memorable one in my life. All our UG friends were with me. It was really good one with lots of fun  and enjoyments. More than the places we visited there, and its features ,I enjoyed the travelling with my friends .  All our teachers were like  friends and they entertained us in a way that we never expect. I  never forget the days I spend with them, and the moments enjoyed with them; and all the entertainments we had during the trip.  



Alone here,
Alone among this four wall.

We were their life,
They used us,
For anything they wanted.

Today we are waste,
We are useless,
We are caged..
We are  Old….!

We are Alone…..!