The question whether studying English is supporting colonialism or not ,i think, is not valid today because now a days people talk English,write English,even dream English.India was colonized by the British and lived under British rule. Though the route was English,the development of English in India was not only by their effort.When we turn the pages of history, we can see that the East India company, though they were interested in trade initially and began to involve in politics later,formed in 1600.It was William Wilberforce,a British philanthropist first proposed to send teachers to India and to provide an amount for the improvement of literature and encouragement of learned natives of India,but the proposal was not success.

In the meantime, it was the christian missionaries started their work for the improvement of education in India. They actively engaged in it.After independence Mahatma Gandhi proposed Hindi to be our National language and was against educating our people in English,as he was afraid of it would result in slavish behavior.But other leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Moulana AbulKalam Azad all were anxious about setting our face against English.It was after a long formulas and reviews,English became our associate official language.
Today we can't take English away from our life.Can we think of speaking in an another language without using a single word from English? That is the reason why now English is the chief agent of Globalization,Renaissance,Reformation, Enlightenment,Western poetry,political thoughts and the list longs...English is the link language in International level and it is not possible to think not to study English because of the fear that it is a part of colonialism...
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