`Thozhil Kendrathilek` Documentary Film By MG Sasi
Thozhil kendrathilek (workplace,ahoy!) is an hour long documentary by MG Sasi.The play staged by a women's commune at Lakkidi village near Palakkad in the year 1948.It was for the freedom of a group of
Namboothiri brahmin women who set against patriarchal system.They declares their victory at last.By watching the documentary Thozhil kendrathilek we have getting the history of
Brahmanical society and the ills existed with in them during 1900's.MG Sasi remarked that it was a period of cultural transformation and students used literature and theater to get into the ideas of feminism,
Dalith emancipation and women empowerment.
The director MG Sasi has successfully portrayed the oppressed women in the Namboothiri community and their reaction against gender inequalities.In 1947 EMS Namboothiripad inaugurated the
Thozhil Kendram with the aim of giving basic education to the members along with training in stitching, weaving,cooking etc.The script of Thozhil Kendrathilek was based on the life of Kavungara Bharghavi who was forced to marry against her wish.

The women Lysistrata in Aristophanes play, and Nora in Ibsens Doll's House have been included in the documentary.Lysistrata persuades the women of Greece to stand against the sexual need of their husbands and lovers while Nora in Dolls house does not want to be chained to the conventional duty of women, but to be considered as the human being first.It also recreated the angles of the life of Kuriyedath Thathri .She was bold and stubborn woman who questioned the ills existed in the
Namboothiri community.
The documentary is really a torch which hold back to the feminist beginnings.Director MG Sasi depicted the clear cut theme of the play and relevance of showing it before the contemporary society.
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